Capricorn Group supports the development of education in Namibia

Capricorn Group donated N$ 120 000.00 to the 'Step out of Poverty through Education, Encouragement and Support (SPES)', a charity established to serve our country's less fortunate children and youth. The money was used throughout the year towards the development of one of the many schools that SPES supports across the city's most impoverished areas. The anonymity of the schools is safeguarded to ensure the protection of the minor children who are educated at them. 

The morning of Friday 22 November 2019, the Group was delighted to see progress at one of the schools. The money sponsored by Capricorn Group was used to construct a portable precast classroom structure and erect two toilets connected to the sewerage system. 

The school uses these toilets by pouring water into the tanks, making it flushable. Once the school obtains municipal approval for running water, it would eliminate the need to buy and carry water from outside school terrain. Also added were a fence and a lockable gate to secure the property. During the visit, the cheerful, singing kids also received Christmas gifts and enjoyed cake with their guests. 

Esme Coetzee, the spokesperson for SPES, said, “It was important for us to ensure that the agreed-upon deliverables of the project took place promptly, as per our commitment towards Capricorn Group." SPES also supports and uplifts 25 pre-schools in the informal part of Windhoek through a holistic approach and works around some of the practical challenges they have as best as possible. 

During the planned visit, Capricorn Group's Financial Director, Jaco Esterhuyse made remarks of thanks towards SPES for the work done and addressed the kids saying to them, “Kids work hard. Remember that education is the one thing that will make all things possible for you." He also noted that Capricorn Group, as a truly Namibian Group, loves the country and will do what they can to grow and support its communities. The Group firmly believes in planting seeds that will grow into sustainable opportunities by being a Connector of Positive Change.


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