

Capricorn Group’s material matters

The board approved the material matters in June 2023.


When considering what is material for Capricorn Group, we take a stakeholder-inclusive view of risks and opportunities related to our business activities, resources and relationships. Our most material matters have the greatest potential to impact the Group's ability to create and preserve value for all stakeholders.

Capricorn Group's Material Matters

1. Conducting business in the right way

We take great pride in upholding high ethical standards and acting with integrity in our stakeholder interactions. We aspire to be a role model for ethical behaviour and cultivate ethical leadership in the countries where we operate.

2. Managing risks effectively

Our long-term sustainability depends on rigorous risk management. We think about risk holistically and systemically, concentrating on "what must go right" to produce the intended results.

3. Embedding a customer-centric service culture

Customers demand increased agility and responsiveness from financial services firms. They anticipate a seamless and intuitive experience across all channels, including better guidance. Branches are still crucial, but their function and emphasis are shifting. We prioritise investing in digital channels and maintaining a customer-centric mindset to grow despite a challenging operating environment.

4. Building agile and high-performance teams​

Retaining and developing adaptable and highly skilled people is essential to our value creation and sustainability.

5. Making a positive impact in society​

We are a socially responsible Group that is strongly obligated to its stakeholders. In keeping with our brand promise of being Connectors of Positive Change, we take great pride in our contributions to a better society.

Read more about our Material Matters in our 2023 Integrated Annual Report here.